
Registration is simple!
1. Fill out registration form
2. Send a check or money order to Club Cheer 74 E 820 S Lehi, Utah 84043
3. Registration is due Jan 9th
4. First to enter is last to compete so get those entries in quick! Be one of the first ten teams to enter and receive a gift.
5. Make sure your routine follows safety rules. NFHS for school/rec teams or USASF for All Star teams
6. Have each member of your squad (including alternates) fill out a release form
7. Bring completed release forms with you to the competition
8. Email questions to Heather or Stacey
9. Sit back and relax! Club Cheer is bringing the fun back into competitive cheerleading

Registration Forms:

All Star Registration Form

School Rec Registration Form 

Coaches Checklist